Additional Financial Assistance for Small Businesses
Cayuga Economic Development Agency (CEDA)
Did you know that there are programs and funding available to small businesses in Cayuga County? CEDA, the county's economic development agency can help new and existing businesses throughout the county with funding options including low interest loans and grant writing, business planning, marketing and much more. The staff at CEDA are available to help your business grow AND if you secure a loan through the Cayuga County Development Corporation (CCDC) you can use it as all or a portion of the required match for a NY Forward or DRI funded project!
Visit CEDA's website today using the links below to find out more!
CEDA Sparks: The Sparks Series is a new initiative, launched in June of 2023. This virtual series, hosted by CEDA, will take place via Zoom and is open to all, particularly Cayuga County business owners, stakeholders and all CEDA supporters. Each episode will focus on a specific topic, whether it's helping your business stay on track or preparing you and your team for potential opportunities in the future. We understand that navigating the world of economic development can sometimes be complex. CEDA Sparks is designed to break down the complexity into manageable pieces. Following each presentation, we will host a Q&A session with our presenter and CEDA staff.
Assistance For Start-Ups: Entrepreneur, artist, CEO, or organic farmer – Cayuga County can provide your business the resources to start-up and grow.
Cayuga Economic Development Agency’s (CEDA) Specialists can review your business plan and structure, connect you to local resources (accountants, lawyers, financial institutions, marketing firms, etc.), assess financial projections, brainstorm your marketing strategy, guide you in obtaining licenses and permits, answer your questions about hiring employees, and explore funding options.
Assistance for Business Owners: Cayuga County is a great place to grow your business. From financing and technical assistance programs to various transportation options, Cayuga County has what your business needs to succeed.