Grant Opportunity for Property Owners & Businesses

of the villages of Cayuga, Union Springs, and Aurora

 AWARDED Joint DRI Application available here

Help Revitalize Cayuga County's Quaint Lakeside Village Corridor!

Cayuga, Union Springs, and Aurora are working together to implement a $10 Million Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) award from New York State. The DRI program will fund a wide variety of private and public projects, including interior and exterior building renovation, business expansion, public infrastructure, and more. The purpose of the DRI is to reinvest in New York's underutilized historic downtowns and villages, and transform them into vibrant centers once again.

The villages will be accepting proposals for projects soon to include in the Strategic Investment Plan to implement the DRI award. 

No matter how big or small your project is, if you have an idea for improving your business or property, we want to hear from you!

The DRI survey is now live! Take the survey and provide your opinions and insights on what your vision is for the DRI Areas. 

Contact Us

C & S Companies

Emma Phillips,  DRI Project Manager, | (585) 406-7945

Cayuga County Department of Planning & Economic Development

Kari Terwilliger, Director, | (315) 253 - 1485

Evan Tuthill, Planner, | (315) 253 - 1203